Platelet Rich Plasma
– Platelet Rich Plasma is the patient’s own plasma that does not have red blood cells but contains very few number of netrophils and enough platelets in the peripheral blood.
– Plasma contains more than 20 amino acids, micro elements such as K, Mg, Li, Zn, Ca, De, Br, medium molecular peptides and vitamin groups B, C, A, D, E, K.
– GCell PRP kit enables red and white blood cells in the blood to be separated as carefully as possible, while protecting the necessary elements in effective amount and density in clinical terms.
– Platelet Rich Plasma is an effective and safe biological tool that accelerates the regeneration process. The effect of the physiological process of GCell PRP can be explained as follows: As platelets leave the blood vessels and lose contact with the endothelial, they change their shape and form alpha-granules that release growth factor into the wound.
– Injecting PRP into soft tissues, activates cells that produce physiologically and clinically valuable proteins such as collagen and elastin. It is a well known fact that this process is activated by various growth factors and stimulatory molecules of which synthesis is adjusted by stem cells and their micro-environments. Therefore, these conditions should be recreated for micro-environment cells that initiate the process during normal morphogenesis. Stem cells do not function without the stimulating molecules of this micro-environment because they are inactive and cannot reproduce. An external stimulus is needed to initiate cell regeneration, and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injected into soft tissues stimulates this stimulus.
Platelets are blood components that contain the growth factors that are necessary to repair damaged tissues in our body and transform them into their natural state.
In case of any damage in our tissues, our blood collects platelets in this tissue and initiates the repair process. The purpose of PRP treatment is to give much more platelets to this target tissue than can be transported by blood circulation.
In this way, the repair of the damaged tissue is initiated swiftly and strongly and concluded much more swiftly.
G-Cell PRP Tube Characteristics
- Centrifuge is enough to separate blood components.
- Fast preparation duration (5 Min.)
- Single kit to obtain PRP and PP
- Closed system that is not allowing any air contamination
- Patented separation gel which can filter netrophils and erythrocytes
- The lowest leucocyte density within PRP
- 100% autologous
GCell PRP Usage Areas
- Dermatology
- Dental Diseases
- Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
- Eye Diseases
- Orthopedics
- Hair Treatments
- Physical Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions About GCell PRP
• How long does 1 session take in PRP treatment? PRP Treatment is approximately 30 minutes.
PRP treatment is an application of about 30 minutes.
• How often should PRP be applied?
The purpose of PRP treatment, the width and condition of the area affect the number of sessions. The most important thing is the physician’s opinion. In normal course, it is
applied in monthly sessions. It is completed in at least 4-5 sessions.
• What are the side effects of the PRP method?
There is no risk of allergy or any side effects since it is applied from the people’s own blood. The most important factor is that the person performing the application is a doctor
and the doctor performs the procedure with a correct application.
• Does PRP Application give pain?
PRP application is done by injection. No greater pain is expected than the discomfort felt during bloodletting. Before the application, anesthetic creams applied to the treatment area prevent the feeling of pain. Local anesthesia can also be applied if the patient demands and the physician deems appropriate.
• PRP is not applied to whom?
It is not applied to those who have a history of cancer, those who use blood thinners, those who have blood disease, those who have an infection in the area to be applied, pregnant women and breastfeeding.
• Who are the members of the Treatment Team?
PRP treatment should be performed by an expert team. In order for the treatment to be effective, the materials used must comply with world standards. The treatment, for
whatever purpose, is carried out by doctors and their team from the appropriate specialties.
• Is nutrition and diet applied after treatment?
A special diet program is not applied after the sessions, but some issues should be paid attention to. Green tea, echinacea, alcohol, smoking, caffeine, sugar and sodium are
avoided for 72 hours after the application.
• Is There An Age Limit In PRP Treatment?
There is no specific age limit for PRP treatment. It can sometimes be seen as necessary in solving different problems. However, it is recommended to wait at the age of 18 if it is to be performed with cosmetic concerns.
• Can It Be Used With Other Skin Rejuvenation Methods?
PRP can be combined with some procedures or it can be preferred in terms of accelerating the healing after applications such as chemical peeling and laser.
• How Long is the Effect of PRP?
If the treatment is applied for purposes such as wound healing, crack treatment, spot treatment, its effect is permanent. However, if it is done for rejuvenation, repeating it once
a year will control aging.
• Is the Effect of PRP Treatment Permanent?
If PRP treatment is used for rejuvenation, it is more effective to repeat it at regular intervals. Because the skin continues to age constantly. However, its effect is permanent when applied in cases such as wound, spot treatment, removal of cracks.
• What is the Success Rate? Does it Depend on the Person?
The success rate of the treatment mostly depends on the application purpose. The success rate differs in each application. PRP, which is used for skin renewal, shows its
effectiveness when applied correctly by experts. In the field of orthopedics, it provides 79-93% success in solving the problem of tennis elbow. This rate is around 80% in the treatment of Plantarfascitis. It has been stated that it accelerates healing when applied in addition to treatments in muscle and connective tissue injuries.
• Does It Affect Business and Social Life?
Treatment is an application that can be applied in a very short time and then returns to daily life. No rest is required after the procedure. Problems such as pain do not occur.
Therefore, it is possible to reserve a lunch break for sessions and then return to work life.
• Is There Any Scars After PRP Treatment?
Since PRP treatment is not a surgical operation and is performed by injection, there is no scarring. On the contrary, it is effective in removing some scars on the skin.
• Has anyone treated or regretted it?
PRP treatment is an application that has no side effects. The area is unlikely to get worse after the application. Therefore, regret is unlikely.